My name is I Wayan Gede Purwa Damaja. I am 19 years old. This month, precisely on November 4 I was 19 years. My birth date 4 november 1993 and my birth place in Denpasar. My address in Jln. Indrajaya No. 23 Denpasar, Ubung Kaja. My religion is Hinduism, the oldest religion in the world. I have a hobby of fishing, soccer, play games, read, browsing, sports and adventure. My job was a student. I am a student at the University of Udayana. I am looking for computer science majors. Beginning my education starting from kindergarten Widya Santhi. Second, I continue to the SD 2 Ubung. Third, after graduating from elementary school 2 I continue to junior high school 5 Denpassar. Fourth, I continue to SMAN 8 Denpasar after graduating from junior high school 5. And the last one I continue to the University of Udayana and I am still studying. My daily life at home in addition to read, learn, and play is to help work at home job. With a lot of studying I have many friends ranging from kindergarten to university.
In my family, I have 2 younger. They are also still studying. My second sister school in SMKN 1 Denpasar . My sister is the smallest was in kindergarten. I also have a grandmother who is still strong although she was very old. My father worked as a private employee and my mother just a laborer. Besides my parents worked, my grandmother also worked, she worked as a seller canang. And my life while living in this world.
